Return Policy
We are very sorry that you were not satisfied with the delivered product(s), we gladly accept returns within 30 days of receipt for most books if it’s still in a new condition.
All return must be accompanied by the original dated receipt and picture ID, below are the specific policy guidelines to be eligible to the return of the products:
- To start a return process, kindly contact Customer Service (Email + Phone number) on our site, indicating the item(s) you would like to return and the reason, and we will get back to you within 48 hours.
- After receiving return instructions from us, please safely package the item(s) to be returned within the original packing.
- Drop off your package at the indicated post or shipping company.
- Most returns are processed within 5 business days after we receive your package, we will transfer a refund to your account which you can use for your next purchase within 6 months including new releases, once a refund is done you will receive a confirmation email.
- If you purchased the wrong book, you can return it and get the desired book in return, shipping fees are applicable in this case.
- The original shipping fees and shipping guarantee are non-refundable
Non-refundable products
- Books that are not returned in the same condition as when purchased.
- Digital and electronic products that had their access codes revealed.
- Books that don’t match the purchase description on the receipt.
NOTE: If you have any issues with your return, please reach out to the Customer Service within 3 months after the purchase was made and we will get back to you as soon as possible.