Additional information
book-author | Alula Teklu |
format | Animation, Digital |
Language | |
pages | 39 |
publisher | Ayay Books |
year-published | 2018 |
Book Format | Digital, Print, Animation |
በዓለም ዙርያ፣ የእንቅልፍ ጊዜ ተረቶች የብዙ ልጆች አስተዳደግ አካል ናቸ ው። አንድ ይህን መሰል ታሪክ ነሃርስ ሲሆን የትግራይ እናቶች ልጆቻቸውን ለማስ ተኛት ይጠቀሙበታል። ስለአንድ ትንሽ ልጅ ጉዞም ይተርካል።
Bedtime stories are part and parcel of children’s upbringing in most parts of the world. Neharis is one such story that was commonly used by Tigray mothers to put their children to sleep. It talks about the journey of a young boy…..
Bedtime stories are an integral part of raising children in most parts of the world. Neaharis is one such story that was commonly used by Tigray mothers to put their children to sleep. It is about the journey of a young boy…..
book-author | Alula Teklu |
format | Animation, Digital |
Language | |
pages | 39 |
publisher | Ayay Books |
year-published | 2018 |
Book Format | Digital, Print, Animation |
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