Additional information
book-author | Alula Teklu |
format | Digital, Print |
Language | |
pages | 33 |
publisher | Ayay Books |
year-published | 2019 |
Book Format | Digital, Print |
ፀጋ ንሓወልትታ አክሱም እንትትሓውፅ ካብ ኩሉ ንላዕሊ ብዛዕባ እቲ ናበይ ከምዝወስድ ዘይፍለጥ መንገዲ ናይ ምፍላጥ ድሌታ ዝለዓለ ነይሩ። ምስ ክልተ መሓዙታ ከዓ ነቲ መንገዲ ምንዳይ ጀሚራ አላ። ናበይኮን ይወስደን ይኾን ?
ፀጋ የአክሱም ሀወልቶችን ስትጎበኝ ከሁሉም ቦታዎች ይልቅ አንዱ የበለጠ ቀልቧን ስቦታል። ከሁለት ጓደኞቿ ጋር በመሆን ይህን ወዴት እንደሚያመራ የማይተወቀውን መንገድ ማሰስ ይዘዋል። ወዴት ይወስዳቸው ይሆን ?
Tsega’s curiosity has been triggered by something she heard from the tour guide, While visiting the Axum obelisks. This path with unknown destination is now being explored by Tsega and her friends. Where will the path take them?
“Une route non empruntée” est à la base de cette histoire qui suit la vie de 3 filles curieuses qui décident de s’aventurer dans un tunnel communautaire rarement utilisé pour satisfaire leur curiosité sur où mène le chemin. Grâce à ce voyage, ils sont récompensés par la découverte. Découvrez ce qui arrive à Tsega et ses amis.
book-author | Alula Teklu |
format | Digital, Print |
Language | |
pages | 33 |
publisher | Ayay Books |
year-published | 2019 |
Book Format | Digital, Print |
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