Additional information
book-author | Alula Teklu |
format | Digital |
Language | |
pages | 22 |
publisher | Ayay Books |
year-published | 2019 |
Book Format | Digital, Print |
ሶስቱ ልጆች ጉዟቸውን በመቀጠል የቀይ ባህር ወደብ ላይ ይደርሳሉ። የተለያዩ ቦታዎችን ሲቃኙና አዳዲስ ሲያገኙ አብራችኋቸው ተጓዙ ተጓዙ በተለያዩ ጊዜዎችና ድንበሮች ውስጥ ስለሚዘልቅ ጓደኝነትም ተማሩ።
The 3 girls continue their journey and end up at the Red Sea port. Travel with them as they try to navigate different spaces and discover even more treasures along the way. Learn more about the journey of friendship through different times and borders.
The 3 girls continue their journey and end up at the Red Sea port. Travel with them as they try to navigate different spaces and discover even more treasures along the way. Learn about the journey of friendship across different eras and borders.
book-author | Alula Teklu |
format | Digital |
Language | |
pages | 22 |
publisher | Ayay Books |
year-published | 2019 |
Book Format | Digital, Print |
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