
About Us

About Ayay Media

Ayay Media was founded in 2015, with an aim of sharing African stories with African children, teachers, educators, parents, and caregivers. The platform will serve as a space for promoting African heritage, culture, and awareness and essentially improve literacy among the continent’s children by making available books, animated videos, narratives curated from folklores, riddles, poems based on African communities. The content is currently available in 7 African languages with the aim of scaling up the language options.

We aspire to serve as the venue for sharing lessons and folktales, getting reacquainted to the old learning ways and capturing the lessons from the stories, imparting the wisdom of our ancestors, and keeping the story of the African Continent in the hearts of African children.



Increasing cultural awareness, and appreciation among African children by sharing African stories through a digital platform.

Currently, we offer stories in 7 African languages including Tigrigna, Amharic, Oromifa, English, Swahili, and Kinyarwanda.


A platform for sharing African stories through multilingual and multimedia options.

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Raised in Adwa Ethiopia in a typical African home and community, Dr Alula Teklu was accustomed to listening to folktales, stories, music, and riddles from his grandparents and other elders in the community. Through this tradition came a special kind of wisdom, and a deeper connection to cultural heritage and pride that he utilizes and carries with him throughout his life. As a father, Dr. Alula chose to reminisce about his childhood by telling the stories he heard as a child to his two young daughters. During these times spent with his daughters, he was inspired to create a venue where other children can have access to stories from different parts of Africa, learn and appreciate their cultural heritage, learn new languages, and, promote interactions among children.

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Ayay Media is committed to conducting our business in a responsible and meaningful way. We continually work to ensure that we operate in a way that is beneficial to all of our stakeholders—teachers, parents, and schools, our employees, our local communities, and our customers—who contribute to and inform our corporate social responsibility focus.

Digital Books

In the digital era, digital versions of all books ensure versatility. The digital versions are depictions of all the different options.

Riddles & Poems

Africa has a rich tradition which allows social interaction. Wisdom is shared through riddles, poems and stories. This is an interactive platform for all to read and share. Tackle the riddles and share yours for others to tackle.

Customized Books

Do you want us to use your son’s or daughter’s name in a book? We have that option. Just let us know. We shall work with you and a printed version of your book will be in your mailbox.

Audio Books

Read by children, the elderly, celebrities and more. They are made available for your children to be used on the go.

Who Was?

Africa, like the rest of the world, is full of history and people the world should know about, good and bad. We select personalities, and our historians write about them, in a way our children can understand and learn from.

Language Offered

Tigrinya | Amharic | Oromifa | English | French | Swahili | Kinyarwanda

Animated Videos

Mostly prepared by our youth in Rwanda, our animated videos mimic reality and promote innovation in Africa.

Ideas For Children

Do you have any additional ideas that you think we should do to create yet another option to let our children learn and have fun, tell us, we are always open to new ideas.

Print Books

All our books are available in a print form for those who enjoy reading the physical books.

Learn and Teach Forums

Live interactive sessions for children from different parts of the world to engage with each other, share experiences and stories, and also get to learn from accomplished teachers and leaders. These sessions will also serve as a venue for children interested in learning a new African language and hear stories narrated by prominent African figures.

Topics for these sessions can range from cultural identity, effective disciplining techniques, to study habits, time management, and anger management, and many other topics as requested!

Are you interested in sharing stories? In teaching your language? In sharing worthy wisdom? Do you want to have your children participate in interactive sessions where they will exchange their experiences virtually? Let us know and we shall arrange.

Requirements For Children

• Registration form
• Signed parent/caregiver consent forms

Requirements For Teachers

• Registration form


Asking our elders, teachers, parents, and communities to share folktales, words of wisdom, and any other stories gotten from the continent’s ancestors.

Our Team